About Williamstown Community Chest

On guard of the rights and justice since 1927.5

our principles

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Better customer support

Cras nibohi odio dictum utoman tortor auctor vulputate condi mentum mauris non porta mi vitae dosimo viverra magna phasellus eleifeni Learn More …

Never Lose Your Hope

Cras nibohi odio dictum utoman tortor auctor vulputate condi mentum mauris non porta mi vitae dosimo viverra magna phasellus eleifeni Learn More …


Satisfaction is Essential

Cras nibohi odio dictum utoman tortor auctor vulputate condi mentum mauris non porta mi vitae dosimo viverra magna phasellus eleifeni Learn More …

attorneys in law

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  • Mark Reach
    Mark Reach Board of Directors
  • Nicole Porther
    Nicole Porther Board of Directors
  • Esther Bell
    Esther Bell Board of Directors
  • Amy Jeschawitz
    Amy Jeschawitz Board of Directors
  • Amy Sosne
    Amy Sosne Board of Directors
  • Jeannette Smith
    Jeannette Smith Boards of Directors
  • Tom Green
    Tom Green Board of Directors
  • Markus Burns
    Markus Burns Board of Directors
  • Gillian Sciacca
    Gillian Sciacca Secretary
  • Tom Sheldon
    Tom Sheldon Board of Directors
  • Polly Macpherson
    Polly Macpherson Board of Directors
  • Tom Cragg
    Tom Cragg Treasurer
  • Susan Puddester
    Susan Puddester Board of Directors
  • Matt Carter
    Matt Carter President
  • Annie Art
    Annie Art Vice President
  • Mary Strout
    Mary Strout Office Coordinator
  • Anna Singleton
    Anna Singleton Executive Director
  • Jim Mahon
    Jim Mahon Advisory Committee
  • Jim Kolesar
    Jim Kolesar Advisory Committee
  • Juliet Flynt
    Juliet Flynt Advisory Committee
  • Linda Conway
    Linda Conway Advisory Committee
  • Bob Stegeman
    Bob Stegeman Board of Directors
  • Margo Neely
    Margo Neely Board of Directors
  • Stephen F. Narey
    Stephen F. Narey Advisory Committee
  • Kathy McKnight
    Kathy McKnight Advisory Committee
  • Jane Frado
    Jane Frado Advisory Committee
  • Amanda Bayliss
    Amanda Bayliss Board of Directors
  • Juan Baena
    Juan Baena Board of Directors
  • Brian O’Grady
    Brian O’Grady Board of Directors
  • Kathleen Morris
    Kathleen Morris Vice President

Learn more about our various services

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Who we help

Donec justo dolor ultricies ante in tincidunt convallis lacus donec convallis eros vitae posuere ullamcorper cras nec varius lorem vestibulum ante ipsum primis.

TEMISTO Milestones

Lousto dolor ultricies ante in tincidunt convallis lacus donec convallis eros vitae posuere ullamcorper cras nec varius lorem vestibulum ante ipsum primis.
Berkshire Nursing Families (BNF)
Berkshire Nursing Families (BNF) is a non-profit agency providing free consultation and guidance to families regarding breast-feeding practices and concerns throughout Berkshire County.
Williamstown Youth Center
The Williamstown Youth Center aims to nurture the physical, emotional, social, and intellectual health and development of the young people in our community by providing quality educational, athletic, recreational, and artistic programs in a manner that maximizes access and minimizes barriers to participation.
Williamstown Community Preschool
Williamstown Community Preschool serves the needs of toddler, preschool, and school-age children and their families. From age 15 months to 12 years, children find a safe, caring environment at WCP where they can grow, learn, and thrive. The Preschool believes in affordability for working families and nutritious meals for children.
United Cerebral Palsy
United Cerebral Palsy (UCP) of Berkshire County offers support and advocacy for any individual, regardless of physical disabilities and financial abilities, to pursue a high-quality community life.
Northern Berkshire YMCA
Northern Berkshire YMCA strives to increase public access to affordable programs such as Y membership, swim lessons, summer camp, and child care.
Northern Berkshire Community Coalition
Northern Berkshire Community Coalition focuses on strengthening neighborhoods and community life, preventing alcohol and substance abuse, fostering economic development, mitigating poverty, supporting positive youth development, supporting and educating families, encouraging and promoting wellness and building bridges between residents and service agencies.
Louison House
Louison House/Family Life Support Services provides transitory shelter or subsidized housing for homeless families and individuals while they search for their permanent homes.
Equus Therapeutic, Inc.
Equus Therapeutic encourages adults and children with disabilities to maximize their potential physically, mentally and emotionally by offering horsemanship programs in a safe, encouraging environment.
Elizabeth Freeman Center
Elizabeth Freeman Center offers help, hope, and healing to survivors of domestic and sexual violence and their families.
Elder Services of Berkshire County
Elder Services of Berkshire County strives to help elders and their families in the Berkshire County.
Ecu-Health Care
Ecu-Health Care helps the residents of North Berkshire access affordable health coverage.
Brien Center
The Brien Center for Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services provides a continuum of care for children, adolescents, adults and families who suffer from serious and persistent behavioral health disorders.
Berkshire Family and Individual Resources (BFAIR)
Berkshire Family and Individual Resources (BFAIR) provides support and advocacy services for children, adolescents, adults, and elders with developmental disabilities, autism and acquired brain injuries.
Berkshire County Kids’ Place
Berkshire County Kids’ Place and Violence Prevention Center offers a safe environment and clinical services to child-abuse victims, children who witness domestic violence and their non-offending family members.
Child Care of the Berkshires
Child Care of the Berkshires supports children and their families through promoting education and offering child care and family support.
Berkshire Children and Families
Berkshire Children and Families provides counseling, education and support services for families.

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