Community Movie

The Chest is pleased to announce that the FREE community movie is back! Join us at Images Cinema on Saturday, March 18, 2:00 p.m. for a showing of The Sea Beast.  Generously underwritten by Donovan O’Connor & Dodig, LLP

Prior to the movie, the Williamstown Community Chest highlights the work of the Chest’s 19 member agencies and encourages financial contributions to reach the goal set for the Annual Campaign.

The FREE Community Movie happens in mid-March, shortly after the Community Chest’s birthday on March 10th. After a long, cold winter, we’re all looking for reasons to get out and celebrate.

Who we help

Contributions to the Williamstown Community Chest are distributed to local agencies working to help people in our community meet a variety of challenges. Your gift addresses the needs of many who are struggling with issues of poverty, addiction, and abuse right here in Berkshire County.

our annual campaign and fundraisers

Every dollar raised helps support services provided locally by our member agencies

Fundraising Milestones

100% of the funds raised by the Williamstown Community Chest go directly to our 19 member agencies. As in years past, any first time donor’s support will be matched through a special gift.
$ 1 Million
$ 1 K
2023-24 GOAL
$ 1 K

Give to the Williamstown Community Chest

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